Monday, April 14, 2014

Titanfall Review
Titanfall Review Part2 - Go into the training mode and hop in to a public match and just completely dominate. It’s absolutely fun. It’s something everyone needs to try as I said. But getting back into the impressions of the game. What did I not like about it besides everything I do like about it? Why I gave it a 9 out of 10 instead of a 10 out of 10 is because one simple little thing, one simple little bug. And just remember bugs are able to be fixed so if this I fixed by the time the game comes out and this is just a beta problem. If you actually go into training mode after you type in the code and all that fun stuff after the beta is installed or whatever. If you go into training mode so you can learn how to play the game as your pilot and access the Titan and do all the miscellaneous things you can do with the Titan when you’re in training mode doing this you can actually have someone or at least this is what happened to me this could be just an Xbox problem which I doubt. 

Because multiple things happened afterwards but someone joined my party and it pulled me out of the game or out of the training mode and it threw me into a matchmaking with one of my buddies that just joined my party. Now he didn’t send me an invite or anything. He just joined my party. He just joined to chat with me. And that was it. And it pulled me out and put me into his game. And he was freaking out because he was like whoa how did that happen. And then I'm just freaking out because I was enjoying my time in the training mode because I was doing some new things like wall running and what not and then all of a sudden I get pulled out of it. Then I had to restart because of that and I don’t know it just really pissed me off at the time and it’s not enough to make me go oh this is a 6 out of 10. Everything is good and that was just a little bug and I'm sure they can fix it as soon as they get a report on it. And that’s another thing I have to mention that is really good respond entertainment. 

So far everything that has happened with the beta including Microsoft with their Xbox One support as well. Everything has been very smooth. Every single person I have talked to that’s played with the beta when the servers went down for a little bit because they have to fix something. They did it very quickly and very efficiently. I think it even went down a second time and they fixed it even faster. So their support is very good. I am very sure if this is an actual problem I was talking about then they are going to fix it pretty fast. But going back to that issue that I had I'm like hey buddy can you just exit my party real fast I wasn’t to try something out. So he exited my party. I was the only one in my party and I exited his game afterwards. 

I went to the main menu and I clicked play and it brought me straight into his game. Now for the people who do not have the beta just understand after you click play from the main menu it brings you to a screen where you are able to choose on training. You are able to choose match making and then choose your mode. It doesn’t just bring you into match making and just chooses a certain mode for you. And that’s exactly what it did when it had me join the matchmaking thing. And it’s weird because it’s like he didn’t send me any invites. He didn’t send me any party invites. Nothing happened. There was no connection between me and him after that point. And I'm like hey alright. I'm going to exit my party and see what happens then. And the weird thing is it actually worked when I exited my own party. Now I don’t know what that even has to do with him. He was in it Or if there is still a connection between me and him and the party even though he left. I don’t know. It was kind of weird. It’s just a small thing and I am sure they will be able to fix it as soon as they can. But now jumping back into my impressions of things. I would have to say that the game modes that they have so far are pretty good.

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